

Where do Margays lives?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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Margays lives in northern Mexico in moist forests and in Argentina.

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Q: Where do Margays lives?
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Related questions

What is a margays shelter?

Margays like to shelter in the hollow of a tree.

How long is a margays lifespan?

Margays can live 15-18 years.

How many babies do margays have?

Margays give birth to a single kitten.

Where do the most margays live in the world?

The margay prefers to live in remote rainforests and its range extends from Mexico. it lives in south America

What are young margays fed?

Young margays drink milk, produced by the mother.

How fast are margays becoming extinct?

Margays are small spotted cats that can be found living in trees. Margays are on the fast track to becoming extinct due to hunters killing them for their fur.

What is the margays habitat?

It roams the rainforests fro mexico to argentina.THEY HAVE a hormarange between 15-43sq.

Do margays go somewhere to give birth to an offspring?

Margays give birth to their young in a hollow of a tree.

Why do margays have large eyes?

Like all nocturnal animals Margays have proportionally larger eyes to help gather more light.

Are margays popular in Nicaragua?


Do margays hibernate?

No, margays do not hibernate. They are active year-round and do not experience a period of dormancy like some other animals do during winter.

Are margays omnivores?

Margays are wildcats that are found in Costa Rica. They are an omnivore. Their diet consists of things such as reptiles, rabbits, squirrels, fruits leaves, birds, and even a monkey on occasion.