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You have to go through training and obtain a falconer's license before you even think about it. They're not just exotic pets, they're amazing creatures that can't be just a house pet. Get in touch with a falconer and take some classes. If you're still interested, that person will point you in the right direction. Other than that...without a license, it's HIGHLY illegal.

As an adition to the responce above after you have your falconer's licence you are allowed to catch your own.

You can get them from a nest.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The red tail is a very common hawk, seen over much of the U.S. They are even seen in city parks on occasion, more common in the country.

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What are some behavios of a red tailed hawk of a red tailed hawk?

They fly.

Is a Red-Tailed Hawk a birds of prey?

a Red-Tailed Hawk is a birds-of-prey

Is red tailed hawk a secondary consumer?

Yes, the red-tailed hawk is a secondary consumer. This is because the red-tailed hawk eats the small mammals and birds.

Can a red tailed hawk live in the desert?

Yes, a Red-Tailed Hawk can live in the desert.

Is a red tailed hawk purple?

Only it's tail.

Does a red tailed hawk have a backbone it is a?

A red tailed hawk has a back bone making it a vertebrate.

Why does the red tailed hawk have red tail?

Because the tails of typical adults are red orange in color. But two races, the Krider's red tailed hawk, and the Harlan's red tailed hawk, have pale buff tails with faint bars.

What is the classification of the red tailed hawk?

The red tailed is a Buteo hawk, subfamily Buteoninae. Scientific name is Buteo Jamaicensis.

What is the red tailed hawk threats to safety?

what is the dangers to the red tail hawk

Does a red tailed hawk have predators?


Is a red-tailed hawk a herbivore?

no it is not

How babies can a red tailed hawk get?
