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Woodpeckers live where there are trees so in forests and woods and stuff. Sometimes you can even see them in your backyard!

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14y ago
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12y ago

Their bills and feathers.

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14y ago

Forests of the world.

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16y ago

usually hard cold weather

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15y ago

one would assume trees

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12y ago

They live in your mom.

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9y ago

Dead Trees

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Q: Where are woodpeckers habitat?
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What is a woodpeckers habitat?

what is a woodpeckers habitat

How do humans hurt woodpeckers?

The biggest threat we present to woodpeckers is loss of habitat, destruction of their habitat.

Why do woodpeckers like their habitat?

Because that's where they were born.

What are woodpeckers habitat?

the woods...or wherever trees are. OR WOOD.

Why do woodpeckers live in Alberta Canada?

It is a great habitat for them, lots of food and shelter.

What is the habit for toucans?

If you mean habitat, they build their nests high in the hollows of trees that have been abandoned by woodpeckers.

What other species live with the pileated woodpecker?

Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers live in the same habitat as Pileated Woodpecker.

What is an woodpeakers habitat?

woodpeckers live in temperate forests such as those found in north america, finding food and living in trees

Are woodpeckers warmblooded or coldblooded?

Woodpeckers are birdsBirds are warmbloodedSo Woodpeckers are warmblooded

Why are impearial woodpeckers endangered?

The imperial woodpecker is almost certainly extinct now. Loss of habitat doomed this species, as it nearly did its first cousin, the ivory bill.

What non native bird has competitively excluded bluebirds and various woodpeckers from their habitat?

House sparrows and starlings often compete with bluebirds for places to build nests.

How does the habitat of the woobpeacker help the animel survive?

The woodpecker's habitat, such as forests or woodlands, provides it with trees to forage for insects, a source of food. The dense foliage and tree trunks also offer cover and protection from predators. The woodpecker's specialized beak is adapted for drilling and finding insects in tree bark, aiding in its survival within its habitat.