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Q: When ducks hatch they learn to recognize and follow their mother a behavior called?
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When Ducks hatch their learn to recognize and follow their mother a behavior called?


When ducks hatch they learn to recognize and follow their mother a behavior?


What is this type of behavior called when a gosling will follow the first moving object it sees?

This behavior is called imprinting. Goslings are born with a strong instinct to follow the first moving object they see, often their mother, but they can also imprint on other moving objects, such as a human handler, if they are the first moving object the gosling sees.

Why do chicks follow their mother?

Chicks follow their mother for protection, warmth, and guidance. The mother provides food, teaches them survival skills, and keeps them safe from predators. This behavior helps the chicks learn to navigate their environment and ensure their survival.

Why is a mother important in a new born baby's life?

the mother is important as the baby will recognize her voice from when he/she was in the womb and they are important times as the baby will start recognize who her mother and father are.

What is sentence for recognize?

I recognized my childhood friend immediately when I saw her at the airport.

Why do ducklings play follow-your-leader?

Ducklings play follow-the-leader as a way to stay close to their mother, who serves as their protector and guide. By following her closely, ducklings learn important skills and behaviors for survival, such as finding food and avoiding predators. This behavior also helps the mother keep her ducklings safe and together as they explore their surroundings.

What is a young duckling following its mother called?

The duckling has imprinted on its' mother. New hatchlings will imprint on just about anything it first sees moving, and will follow that thing.

How does a newborn baby with closed eyes recognize its mother?

by voice

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