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No. If your female parakeet has a hard stomach, there is something drastically wrong.

Parrots are birds. They do not get pregnant, as reproduction is done through the laying of eggs. The eggs take about three weeks to form properly in the body, but this is not called "pregnancy". They look the same when they are laying eggs as when they aren't. In other words, birds don't "hold" their eggs inside their bodies and show a big belly to indicate that eggs are on the way. The egg shell is the last thing that develops right before the egg is laid, therefore, a hen doesn't "show" in the sense that human women "show" when they are pregnant.

A parakeet with a swollen abdomen is not a sign of of a bird about to lay an egg. It is either eating too much of a high-fat diet (common among birds with a seed-only diet) or it has a tumor.

Swelling in the abdominal area could also mean the parrot is egg-bound, though this tends to present more as swelling near the bird's tail, near the cloacae. She will be distressed and show signs of constipation, be reluctant to move and "waddle" like a penguin. If your bird shows signs of being egg-bound, she must be taken to the vet as soon as possible, as this can be a life-threatening condition.

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Q: When a female parakeet is pregnant will its stomach be hard?
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