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Non random mating

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Q: When a female bird prefers to mate with males with long tail feathers?
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HOW CAN you tell the gender of a bird?

You can tell if they are male or female because of their size. The male is bigger than the female who is the smalleer one.

How does the Osprey attract mates?

Just like any other bird, The males are born with more exotic more beautiful feathers to attract a mate. Osprey make noises and show off their feathers. After that the female will deside from there.

How do you determine the sex of a bird through feathers?

Males are usually brighter colored.

If you have 1 female bird and 2 males for a year know and they never mate what do you do to get them to mate?

if they are the same type of ird it makes it better then if she is not biting screaming or pulling feathers she isn't attracted

How do you tell a male racing homer pigeon from a female?

A cock bird is usually slightly larger than a hen (depending on the strain of bird). A male will spread it's tail feathers and drag them across the ground/floor when he is chasing after his female to go to nest. Females also spread their tail feathers, but they don't drag the feathers across the floor. Males make a distinctive "cooing" sound (more so than females). When eggs are present, males incubate during the day, females at night (they take 12-hour shifts). Males care for their squeakers once they leave the nest, while the female goes to nest again. Males tend to "defend" their perch space(s) more than females do (females just fly away). The top of a male's head is "flat" whereas a female's is rounded. Females just look more feminine than males do when looking at them as a whole.

Does the male of female peacock have colorful feathers?

Female peacocks have feathers, too - its just that the males have the most brilliantly colored. Males only have the beautiful feathers because they are used to attract females. Since females do not need to attract males, they do not need brilliantly colored feathers.

How do feathers of a bird protect it from cold?

how the feathers protect the bird

Which is the bird that do not have feathers?

As far as we know, there is no bird living without feathers.

How would the loss of feathers affect a bird?

It will not be able to fly with no feathers. Feathers keep a bird warm. If its feathers are gone it will die of cold. Most importantly feathers help a bird to escape from predators.

How do the feathers of a bird protect it from cold?

how the feathers protect the bird

What Female canary bird looks like?

Canaries are not sexually dimorphic. They look the same as the males.

What is under the feathers of a bird that keeps the bird warm in freezing temperature?

Down feathers are feathers that lie under a birds body and primary feathers. These feathers are small and puffy, and trap warm air under a bird's feathers.