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robins,pideons ect

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Q: What types of birds would live in the bird boxes?
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Related questions

How can birds be attracted to bird boxes?

Go to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website and play the sounds of the bird you want. Believe me, it works.

What are all the types of birds?

blue bird ;robbin

What Types of birds in Savannah GA?

big bird

How does a bird sanctuare helps birds?

A bird sanctuary protects birds from all types of predators and the birds can't starve because the people always feeds them.

What types of seed is safe for birds to eat?

bird seed!!

What are the three types of bird beaks?

Pigons,Flamingos,and Humming birds.

What types of birds live in Japan?

The red clane bird and some flute bird ,and Japanese lovebird.

What is the smallest number of birds that could fly in this formation 2 birds in front of a bird 2 birds behind a bird and a bird between 2 birds?

A formation of 3 birds would meet this requirement. There will be 2 birds in front of the trailing bird, 2 birds trailing the lead bird, and the middle bird will have a single companion in front and behind it.

What is the Latin name of a domestic bird?

It depends on which species of bird you are referring to. There are hundred of types of birds that are kept as pets.

How many types of birds are in the world?

There are around 10,000 species of bird in the world.

What types of birds eat mosquitos?

what kind of bird eat mosquito's ? they live in hollowed gords.

What is the plural of birds?

The plural of bird is birds. As in "the birds chased the worm".