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Bald eagles hunt fish, small mammals, even cats if they are suffering from a severe lack of food and other small animals. Bald eagles are also scavengers and will scavenge rather than hunt if given the opportunity.

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Q: What type of food do bald eagles hunt?
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What type of feathers do bald eagles have?

they are bald feathers

What is a type of chemical that affects the food supply of bald eagles?

Anything that farmers use to keep pests away

What type of eagles live in Georgia?

bald and golden

Whats type of eagle has a brown head?

golden eagles,immature bald eagles.

What type of fish is the bald eagles favorite?

gold fish

What type of nestes do bald eagles live in?

Bald eagles nests are large collections of sticks and tree limbs, added onto each year. Can sometimes weigh nearly a ton in extreme cases.

Are bald eagles vertebrates?

its a vetebrate. There is no such thing as a non vertebrate. it's invertebrate

What type of animal a bald eagle is?

Eagles are hunting birds, in the same group as falcons and hawks.

What type of nest does the bald eagle use?

Bald eagles make a nest of sticks, returning each year and adding on til the nest can weigh nearly a ton.

What is a type of bird that hunts?

hawks,eagles, shrikes,most insect eaters hunt insects.birds like herons hunt fish.

What type of wildlife is on the Aleutian islands?

Sea Otters, foxes, sea lions, geese, bald eagles, wolves and grizzly bears.

What clothing did native Americans use?

they would use buffalo or any type of animal skin sometimes feathers from birds like Bald Eagles, Eagles,Falcons or Buzzers. ;D O_O