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they just have regular feathers

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Q: What type of feathers does a snoowy owl have?
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Related questions

What type of fur does a snowy owl have?

A snowy owl is a bird and has feathers not fur.

What are young owl's feathers called?

owlet feathers

How many feathers are on an owl?

250 feathers

What are owl ear tufts?

Owl ear tufts are tufts of feathers that stick out of an owl's head that look like ears. They are not ears, they are feathers. An owl's ears are near it's eyes, at the center of the bowls of feathers making up its face.

What is the color of an owl's fur?

It doesn't have fur, it has feathers and they depend on which owl it is.

What colour is a elf owl?

the elf owl has brown and gray feathers

How do a snowy owl survive?

they have feathers.

Does a barn owl have fur?

Feathers , a Barn owl would have a lot of feathers since it is a bird .

What are ear tufts?

Owl ear tufts are tufts of feathers that stick out of an owl's head that look like ears. They are not ears, they are feathers. An owl's ears are near it's eyes, at the center of the bowls of feathers making up its face.

Why are owl feathers so quiet?

So that the prey do not hear the owl coming.

Is it legal to have owl feathers in Georgia?


Does a owl have thick feathers?

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