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The Harpy Eagle. (Harpia harpyjais)

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Q: What type of eagle lives in the Amazon?
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Related questions

What is a wild eagle?

An eagle that's lives in a wild

What is the most common type of the bird falcon?

There are a few common species of eagle around the world. The bald eagle is one of the most well-known.

What is the place where a bald eagle lives called?

It is an Eagle's Nest.

What is a place an eagle lives called?

An eagle nest is called an aerie.

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What layer does the harpy eagle live in?

The Harpy eagle lives in the Canopy Layer .

What is a harpie eagle?

the Harpy eagle is a bird that lives in the rainforest we don't no why it is endangered

Where Caiman live?

Type your answer here.. It lives in central of south americathey are from south america. mostly the amazon river.

What type of eagle is the wehrmacht's eagle?

Reichsadler or Imperial Eagle

Is the Amazon safe?

No the amazon can't always be safe. E.g. There is a type of parrasite that lives in the amazon river called a Candiru that attacks when having sensed urine in the water and they attack the human or thing that released that urine

What Animals Eat The Howling Monkey In The Amazon?

harpy eagle

What would eat a snake in the amazon?

A large eagle or vulture.