

Best Answer

Dogs, leopard seals, killer whales and skuaa birds are the main predaters

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Q: What type of animals might eat your penguin?
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What type of animals might eat the rock hopper penguin?

A polar bear might eat a Rock hopper penguin.

What type of animals might eat king penguin?

sea elephant

What type of animals eat the chinstrap penguin?

king kong and freddy cugor

What type of animals might eat the emperor penguins?

Tiger seals.

Why would you eat a penguin?

U WOULDN'T!!!! What type of person are you?!?!?!? You wouldn't eat a penguin, you would eat a fishy!

What other animal does a penguin eat?

Animals that the penguin will eat are probably krilll, shrimp, fish, and other small sea critters.

What type of fish does the African penguin eat?

The African penguin eats anchovies and sardines.

What type of animals eat gazelles?

Gazelle dont eat meat so sorry they dont eat animals

Do any of the animals eat people?

Do any of which animals, and where, eat people? Lots of animals eat people, though humans are not as appetizing as one might think.

Is a penguin a carivore?

Yes because fish is a type of meat and they eat fish.

Why must animals eat their food?

Animals must eat their food because they might die. It is also because just like humans eat food, animals have to eat food.

What effect does glass not being thrown away have on animals?

The animals might eat it