probably because you eat to much fruit in day time .
Most likely really small animals, such as fruit flies.
Since deer flies (and horse flies) like nice warm days, the best time of day to avoid them would be the cooler mornings and evenings. However, because they also don't like wind, mid to late afternoon (when it's most breezy) in open spaces can make for great fly free hiking.
The first fruit flies intentionally sent into space were also accompanied by corn seeds aboard a U.S.-launched V2 rocket in 1947. The purpose of the experiment was to explore the effects of radiation exposure at high altitudes.
Small insects like flies and beetles.
Because they the fruits release a very strong sweet scent and fruit flies have extraordinary sense of smell that picks up the scent of these fruits. If you are having trouble with the fruit flies in your house or home, throw away any old food and get in the habit of doing so every single day. I understand that life is busy and often its all too easy to leave a plate dirty in the sink before returning to watch your favorite TV show. However, you need to remember that leaving old food around for an extended period of time attracts fruit flies and other harmful bacteria and if its done on a continuous basis, you can start seeing the negative results (such as a fruit fly infestation) after a couple weeks.
Fruit salad will fizz in a day or two because it is fermenting. Yeasts tend to like a sugary, acid environment.
10-18 days. it depends on the variety, some fruit flys like ceratitis cappitata have been known to live for 6 months.
8 servings of fruit a day 8servings of milk a day 8servings of vegetables a day do this and you wont have any problems like i do
Its basically "time flies when you're having fun."