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The kiwi is in the middle of the food chain.

The main predators of a kiwi are introduced species, including ferrets, stoats, wild pigs, cats, and dogs, although dogs tend to kill but not eat the kiwi. Some animals such as weasels and rats are thought to eat the kiwi eggs.

In turn, the kiwi is an omnivore, feeding on earthworms, fruit, seeds, fungi, insect larvae and other invertebrates. They have been known to eat eels, freshwater crayfish, small lizards and even frogs.

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14y ago

i think the answer is in the middle. now that's a reliable answer! don't you think?

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Q: What place in the food chain is the kakapo parrot?
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Why do kakapo have green feathers?

Kakapo are not the only birds with green feathers. Peacocks have green amongst feathers, as do many species of parrot besides the kakapo. In the case of the kakapo, being a flightless, nocturnal parrot with very few defensive mechanisms, it needs to remain unseen. Therefore, camouflage is one of its most effective defences, and the reason why its feathers are mottled green and yellow. The green feathers have similar colouring to leaves in the kakapo's habitat and allow the kakapo to blend in with its environment. When a kakapo senses a predator, its first instinct is to freeze. This, coupled with the bird's green colouring, renders it almost invisible to many predators, especially humans, who used to hunt the kakapo for food.

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The ocelot eats the parrot and the parrot eats the butterfly

How can a kakapo use its camouflage to survive in its environment?

Animals use camouflage to either help them hide from predators, or to help them sneak up on prey unexpectedly. In the case of the kakapo, being a flightless, nocturnal parrot with very few ways to defend itself, it needs to remain hidden from predators. The kakapo's feathers are mottled green and yellow, which have similar colouring to leaves in the kakapo's habitat and allow the kakapo to blend in with its environment. When a kakapo senses a predator, its first instinct is to freeze. This, coupled with the bird's green colouring, renders it almost invisible to many predators, especially humans, who used to hunt the kakapo for food.

Is a kakapo a consumer or producer?

The kakapo is a consumer. Unlike producers, its does not produce its own food.

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