

Best Answer
  • Garlic - will ward off
  • Silver cross - will burn or ward off
  • Wooden stake through the heart - will kill
  • Decapitation of the head - will kill
  • Prayer/House of God - will ward off
  • Eating the grave dirt of a vampire & smearing oneself with the vampires blood - ward off and kill vampires bite
  • Sunlight/Fire - will burn and kill
  • Steel placed in the mouth, over the eyes, over the ears, and in between the fingers at time of burial - will ward off
  • Placing a crucifix inside coffin - will ward off and stop the vampire from rising from it's grave
  • Placing blocks under the chin to prevent the body from eating the shroud - will ward off
  • Nailing clothes to coffin walls - will ward off
  • Exorcism - will kill
  • Holy water - will burn or sometimes can kill
  • Repeating of funeral service - will ward off
  • Falling snow - will burn and kill
  • Rain or running water (rivers) - will burn and kill.
  • A Vampire cannot and will not drink the blood of the dead if he knows what's good for him (slightly deadly too).
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12y ago
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14y ago

It depends what type of vampire.

If it is the type of vampire from twilight, give him a sweet smelling girl he can't read the mind of.

If it is an old-fashioned vampire, use garlic or wave a wooden stake at him. Or, if you want to really scare him, give him a twilight book.

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13y ago

hahaha really now are you afraid of us? if you never want to be bit lace your water or your popular drink with vervain and keep vervain on you at all times unless you carry a little wooden stake around

  • pick your nose
  • hack loudly
  • spit
  • scratch your butt
  • play disco on your boom box
  • list the virtues of the Republican Party out loud
  • wear polka dots with stripes
  • eat lard
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15y ago

There are no real vampiers in the world- but in movies, YOU attract the vampire ( especially fresh blood )

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9y ago

Crosses, fire, holy water and garlic are the most effective.

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12y ago

It is said to, although vampires are not proven to be real. (Garlic ALWAYS works in the movies!)

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10y ago

a flashlight and sunlight.

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Q: What object can ward vampire bats off?
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What objects are said to ward off vampire bats?

nothing can ward off a vampire bat its impossible.

What three objects can ward off vampires?

The main objects that appear in vampire folklore, likely to ward off a vampire, are: garlic and garlic flowers, a crucifix and holy water. But, it is interesting to note that the vampire Lestat, in The Vampire Chronicles, rather liked looking at crucifixes!

What does a vampire bat live off of?

Vampire bats live off of the blood of other animals.

How is it that vampire and vampire bats feed off blood but why do vampire bats rarely attack humans?

because there is no connection between vampires and vampire bates just the name the name was given to the bat because they drink some blood but the bats don't feed off the energy the bat just drink the blood for food

Where do vampire bats find food?

they suck blood off animals :)

What do you use to ward off vampire?

The legends say garlic and a wooden stake, but since they don't exist you don't have to worry about it.

What objects are three objects that can ward vampires off?

1. Wooden stakes can kill them if it pierces their heart.2. Vampires don't like garlic.3. They also probably don't like the sight of themselves OR they don't like vampire hunters (OBVIOUS)

What is an amulat?

If you mean amulet - it is a small object worn to ward off evil, as in a charm, a trinket, a piece of jewelry

Which of the following object used to ward off vampires?

Holy water, sun light, a crucifix and garlic

Are there really vampire bats?

There are such things as vampire bats. Although many bats live off of insects and fruit, there are some larger types of bats that eat small rodents and other animals. They will not, as myth goes, suck animals or humans dry of blood. One could blame Bram Stoker and later vampire enthusiasts and fear-mongerers of starting that rumor.

Do bats see?

no bats don't see. they use sound and when the vibrations of the noise jump off an object then the bats know to avoid it.

What makes a vampire allergic to garlic?

The idea that vampires are allergic to garlic likely originates from the herb's historical use as protection against evil spirits and its pungent smell that can ward off predators. In vampire folklore, garlic is often associated with purity and protection, creating a symbolic link to ward off creatures of the night like vampires. It is not based on any scientific explanation.