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Sounds like a humming bird.

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A western Meadowlark.

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Q: What kind of ground dwelling bird lays small white and brown speckled eggs?
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What bird is speckled brown and gray about the size of a small chicken?

I think you are talking about the sussex chicken

Is a porcuping A rodent?

I think so...ground dwelling mammal...small...

What do Dibblers eat?

The Dibbler is a carnivore and feeds largely ground dwelling insects or other invertebrates, small lizards, small birds and small mammals.

What is a small fat bird with a short tail and gray or brown feathers?

Well that depends how much black and brown you are talking about. Let us start with the Common Grackle. Merging from juvenile to adult it is brown with black on the wing. Then there is the Brown-headed Cowbird. It is black with a brown head. The Black-headed Grosbeak has a brown speckled breast and the rest is black speckled with white points and lines. And the Bohemian Waxwing is a light Brown with Black wingtips. There are various other small backyard birds that are brown and speckled with black.

What part of speech is speckled?

"Speckled" is an adjective. It describes something that is covered or marked with small spots or dots.

What is the part of speech for speckled?

Speckled can be a verb or adjective, depending on how it's use. It means marked with small spots. Verb: The children speckled the walls with permanent markers. Adjective: A speckled bird is perched on a branch.

What is an 8 letter word with P as the second letter which means 'marked with small spots'?

Speckled is the answer.Speckled is defined as "marked or variegated with small spots or patches of colour".An example sentence is "the coat of the dog was speckled with black spots".

What do speckled trout eat?

Small fish and shrimp.

What bug makes a small hole all over the ground?

Ground-dwelling insects like cicadas, mole crickets, or ground beetles are known to make small holes in the ground. These holes can be part of their burrowing activities or for laying eggs.

Do foxes eat men and women?

No, foxes primarily feed on small mammals, such as mice, rats and rabbits, and ground-dwelling birds.

What is the diet of a badger?

Badgers usually eat anything that is ground-dwelling, such as prarie dogs, moles, voles, harvest mice, ground feeding birds, or squirrels! Badgers usually eat anything that is ground-dwelling, such as prarie dogs, moles, voles, harvest mice, ground feeding birds, or squirrels!

A picture of what the pauite tribe lived in?

Their ordinary dwelling is the wikiup, or small rounded hut, of tule rushes over a framework of poles, with the ground for a floor and the fire in the center,