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Q: What kind of bird has a long tail and is black and white does not fly high and has a red comb like a chicken?
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Your chicken is throwing up and it comb is black?

Black comb and vomiting in a chicken can be signs of a serious infection or illness like avian influenza, fowl cholera, or Newcastle disease. It is important to isolate the sick chicken, provide fresh water, and contact a veterinarian with experience in poultry as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment. Biosecurity measures should also be taken to prevent the spread of the disease to other birds in the flock.

Why do old folks cut the comb off of a chicken?

The comb is removed from fighting rooster so the opposing fighting cock cannot get the comb in its beak in order to hold the head and kick it with it's spurs. The comb may be trimmed if it gets frostbitten in the winter. This helps prevent infection and does not hurt the rooster since the tissue is already dead. Since fighting chickens is illegal, the is no reason to cut the comb off any chicken. The comb of a chicken helps regulate the body temperature of the bird, without the comb the chicken will suffer in the heat of the summer. Removing the comb also exposes the bird to infection and unnecessary pain and suffering.

What is chicken wattle?

A chicken wattle is the fleshy, red appendage on the underside of a chicken's neck. It is often a bright red color and can vary in size based on the chicken's breed and age. Wattles serve various purposes, including regulating body temperature and displaying health and vitality.

Treatment for chickens that has a head becoming black?

I can only assume you mean the comb of your chicken is turning black and that would either be a trauma injury or the result of frostbite. Either way this is not great news but you can use a petroleum jelly like Vaseline on the comb to keep it moisturized. Comb and wattle injuries are not uncommon and unless the bird gets blood poisoning they can survive the loss.

What does a leghorn rooster look like?

A Leghorn rooster is a large white bird with a red comb.

Is a chicken sick if her comb turns white?

Chickens develop white spots on the combs from a disease called Favus. This can be cured from athletes feet creme.

What is the prepositonal phrase in the sentence Each type of chicken has a different comb?

"of chicken" is the prepositional phrase in the sentence "Each type of chicken has a different comb".

What are the physical features of a chicken?

Chickens have features such as a beak, comb, wattles, claws, and feathers. They also have a small body with two wings and two legs, and their feet have four toes. Chickens come in various colors and patterns depending on the breed.

Can heat stress cause pale comb on poultry?

A comb can alert you to a chicken's general circulation and condition. A pale pink, shrunken comb may be due to anemia, might infestation, or the bird is in moult or reacting to weather conditions. Normally in heated situations, the comb will be bright read as the bird is trying to get rid of as much body heat as possible.In heat stress, the bird cannot get rid of the heat fast enough.The bird will show the following signs/symptoms:panting or have labored breathing,pale comb and/or wattles,spreading wings away from body,diarrhea,lethargy,extreme stress: limpness, unresponsive and seizures.

What is on the head of a male chicken?

The Comb

How do you tell if a chicken is a rooster?

If they have a comb

What is the Prepositional phrase in the sentence each type of chicken has a different comb?

The preposition is the word "of." The phrase "of chicken" modifies the noun "type."