The symbol for Alcoa Inc. in the AMEX is: AA^.
The symbol for CorMedix Inc in the AMEX is: CRMD.
The symbol for Metalico Inc in the AMEX is: MEA.
The symbol for NovaCopper Inc. in the AMEX is: NCQ.
The symbol for Pfenex Inc. in the AMEX is: PFNX.
The symbol for Asanko Gold Inc. in the AMEX is: AKG.
The symbol for CAMAC Energy Inc. in the AMEX is: CAK.
The symbol for CompX International Inc. in the AMEX is: CIX.
The symbol for Dejour Energy Inc. in the AMEX is: DEJ.
The symbol for Energy Fuels Inc in the AMEX is: UUUU.
The symbol for Entree Gold Inc in the AMEX is: EGI.
The symbol for Eurasian Minerals Inc. in the AMEX is: EMXX.