

Best Answer

1. Common Vampire Bat

2.Hairy-Legged Vampire Bat

3.White-Winged Vampire Bat

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Q: What is the names of the three blood suckers bats?
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Do bats like chicken blood?

Most bats do not drink blood. The only bats that do are the three species of vampire bats. Two of these do drink bird blood, and would probably enjoy chicken blood.

How do bats drink human blood?

There are three species of bats called vampire bats that feed on blood. They have specialized teeth that enable them to make a small incision in their prey, usually livestock, and lap up the blood that flows out. They have anticoagulant enzymes in their saliva that prevent the blood from clotting while they feed.

Do bats drink blood?

While some bats do feed on blood, known as vampire bats, the vast majority of bat species do not drink blood. Only three species out of over 1,400 bat species feed on blood, and even they typically target livestock like cows or pigs rather than humans.

Do bats really drink blood?

Yes, there are three species of bats known as vampire bats that feed on blood, but they are only found in Central and South America. Most bats do not drink blood, they primarily feed on insects or fruit.

How many types of bats drink animal blood?

Vampire bats live on blood.

What kind of mammals get eaten by vampire bats?

Vampire bats feed solely on blood. There appear to be three varieties: the common vampire bat, which feeds on the blood of mammals, including humans; the hairy-legged vampire bat, and white-winged vampire bat which both feed exclusively on the blood of birds.

Do normal bats suck peoples blood?

No, and even vampire bats generally feed on the blood of livestock and not on human blood. The common vampire bat canprey on humans, but they would usually find easier prey among animals that don't have the means to swat them away. Most bats are insectivores meaning they eat insects, but some bats also eat fruit and a few eat small animals such as frogs and small lizards.Vampire bats, are native to Central and South America.Also, on a side note, vampire bats do not 'suck' blood, but instead bite flesh to create a wound that bleeds, and lap up the resulting blood flow.

Where are vampire bats found?

Vampire bats are native to Central and South America. There are three species. The common vampire bat prefers mammal blood, but rarely feeds on humans, while the other two prefer the blood of birds.

Do Vampire bats suck animal blood?

Yes, Vampire bats do suck animal blood!

Why do fruit bats not drink blood?

because they are fruit bats, not vampire bats...

Is there such thing as vampire bats?

Vampire bats are real bats that drink blood. They cut a hole in an animal's skin and lap up the blood. They are not vampires, they're just bats.

How many species of bat drink blood?

There are three species of bats that drink blood: the common vampire bat, the hairy-legged vampire bat, and the white-winged vampire bat. They primarily feed on the blood of birds, livestock, and occasionally humans.