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vultures hawk eagle crow and homefly

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Q: What is the name of 5 birds eat dead animal?
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What crocodile birds eat?

Crocodile Birds eat the remains of what Crocodiles kill and eat (for example, the meat of a dead animal).

What do crocodiles birds eat?

Any water/shore bird that comes too close.

Do you eat pig?

The Muslims must not eat pork, flowing blood, flesh of beasts of prey, flesh of birds of prey, dead animal, and any animal slaughtered other than in the name of Almighty Allah. It is the command of almighty Allah (God).

Why cant they eat pork?

The Muslims must not eat pork, flowing blood, flesh of beasts of prey, flesh of birds of prey, dead animal, and any animal slaughtered other than in the name of Almighty Allah. It is the command of almighty Allah (God).

What does American crow eat?

carrion, dead animals, other birds, rats and frogs.Crows are scavengers, will eat any kind of organic matter, from seeds to animal carcasses.

What is the animal which digs the grave to eat the dead bodies?

his name is gorgakh. it is found in pakistan

Are birds carnivore animal?

Some are. They eat fish, worms or other birds (gulls, pelikans, sea hawks). Or things already dead (vultures). Some are herbivores and eat mostly seeds/plants (ducks, jaybird...). Most small birds are probably omnivores and eat some of both.

Which animal eat the budgi?

Any animal that eats birds

Can a Termite eat a dead eagle?

They eat wood, not dead animal.

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What is the name of the dead animal that scavengers eat?

The word is carrion - bodies of dead animals eaten by scavengers. Carrion is defined as "the decaying flesh of dead animals."Carcass is the trunk of an animal such as a cow, sheep, or pig, for cutting up as meat.

What food do eagles eat?

eagles eat mostly fish, but can also eat ducks, wading birds, turtles, rodents, snakes, and carrion (dead animal)