The radius is a long bone.
The scientific name for the inner lower arm bone is the ulna. It runs parallel to the radius, the other bone in the lower arm. It plays a key role in the structure and function of the forearm.
Your Radius is on the thumb side of ur body.
The radius bone doesn't have a specific function, per se. It provides structure and support for the lower arm in tandem with the ulna. It connects to the elbow and the thumb-side of the hand and provides a point of attachment for muscles and ligaments for the arm and hand.The forearm has two large bones, the radius and the ulna, of which the radius is the larger bone. This bone runs from the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist. All land vertebrates have this bone. In man, this bone helps us rotate our hand from palm up to palm down position.
it is the radius
-Ulna bone: elbow bone -Radius bone: Forearm bone The radius is the bone of the forearm that extends from the lateral side of the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist. The radius is situated on the lateral side of the ulna, which exceeds it in length and size. It is a long bone, prism-shaped and slightly curved longitudinally.
an arm bone
Forearm bone
The lateral bone of the forearm is the radius. It runs parallel to the ulna, the medial bone of the forearm. The radius is involved in the movement of the forearm, allowing for rotation of the hand.
The radius is a bone in the forearm, not a muscle.
The radius bone (or radial bone) is one of the two largest bones of the forearm, the other one being the ulna.