I've read many an article where Budgies are said to be a natural enemy to the Cockatiel, however; I have three Budgies and two Cockatiels who live in separate cages but daily are allowed out to roam around the livingroom together. They all get along quite well and most times explore each others cages while sampling each others food dish. Occasionally the male Cockatiel will make a ruckus if one of the male Budgies happens to be in the cage with the female Cockatiel, but none of them have ever fought or shown any display of aggression where I have had to intervene. They get along (as a family).
The Shark
Clearly, Man.
The Shark
alligator or crocodiles?
The most dangerous land predator is often considered to be the saltwater crocodile, as it is a formidable apex predator with a powerful bite and ability to ambush prey near water.
Technically we are not the top predator, but we are the smartest predator and have physical strengths most animals don't have so we are the top predator in my opinion. Just think about it.
Yes. Humans are the single most dangerous predator to wolves.
Dangerous Dinosaur Locations Tyrannosaurus:Hell Creek, Montana Spinosaurus: Egypt Giganotosaurs: Pategonia, Argentina. There are many more species of dangerous dinosaur but these 3 were some of the most dangerous.