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when the female parakeet drop her egg, one of 2 things may happen: 1. it may hatch prematurely 2. it will break and kill what ever is inside; most commonly a female parakeet

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She spends her time in the nest box.

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Q: What is the behavior of the female parakeet when the egg is nearly ready to hatch?
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How long does it take perico eggs to hatch?

Perico is the Spanish word for Parakeet. Parakeet eggs start to hatch about 18 days after the female begins to incubate them.

After a egg has hatch do you remove the male parakeet?

No, I think that the male should remain in with the female to help her with the feeding of the babies.

How long does it takes for parakeet egg to hatch?

roughly, 18 days. If the female/male sit on them like they should average would be about 18 days give or so a day or two.

Do parakeet that come from the store lay eggs?

yes but they will only hatch into chicks if there was a male and female. or else they are just duds. you can do whatever you want with the duds.

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How many days does it take a parakeet egg to hatch?

it takes about 18-22 days to hatch

How long does a parakeet egg takes to hatch?

18 days

What happens if the parakeet is not fertilised?

well, actually nothing. Your parakeet may also lay eggs but, the eggs AREN'T going to hatch. :(

What happens to female parakeets after they give birth?

Parakeets do not give birth to live babies but rather they lay eggs. Each batch of eggs is called a clutch. After the female parakeet lays the eggs she lays on them to keep them warm until they hatch.

How do boas teach their young?

They do not. As soon as boas are born (the eggs hatch inside the mother) they live on their own. Nearly all their behavior is instinctive.

Bahavior of a female parakeet when her egg is near to hatch?

hi. well the bird starts to breathe in and out.its stomach will get fat and skiny.go on utube it will show u. ur bud,dana05/dana m.

What happens if a parakeet is not flying?

if your parakeets egg dont hatch in about two weeks, it might mean that your baby parakeet has died or has gone rotten, or could have suffocated