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they choose to live in areas where nesting is easy for them, since they nest frequently. nesting is where they lay and hatch eggs so with all the nesting going on in their environment it keeps the population going.

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12y ago
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13y ago

there is no adaptation fora quail i think hang on................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ahah thers one

The Gambel's Quail has had to adapt to high desert temperatures and with little water.

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12y ago

The most important adaptation of a bird is feeding, and it is shaped according to what a bird eats. If you want to learn more about birds, you may want to pay attentions to bill shapes. You can use it as one of the characeristics you use to identify birds. If you have already identified a bird, you can learn more about its behavior by looking at the bill and thinking about what it eats. Then you may think about where it lives, and so on.

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12y ago

the adaptations were that it was short and was able to defend himself

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There is currently no information about a film adaptation of Jodi Lynn Anderson's May Bird series

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