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A rubbish truck.

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Q: What is got 4 wheels and flies?
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What has 4 wheel and flies?

The answer is: a garbage truck!The joke is 'What has wheels and flies'.

How many sides has a quad got?

4! Quad means four, and examples of this is a QUADbike, which has 4 wheels

How many wheels on a tow truck?

Typically 4 wheels.

What transport has got wheels?

Vehicles such as cars, bicycles, and trucks have wheels for transportation. Roller skates, scooters, and skateboards also have wheels for movement.

How many wheels are on a tractor trailer?

If the tractor trailers has duels only. You have 18 weels. (10 on front 8 on back) If the tractor trailers has super singles only, you got 10 wheels (6 wheels on the front and 4 on the back) If the trailer has super singles only, you have 14 wheels, (tractor has 10 wheels and trailer has 4) If your tractor has super singles only you looking at having, 14 wheels (6 wheels on the front 8 on the back)

What is 4x2 drivetrain?

That would describe a vehicle as to having 4 wheels with two of them being the drive wheels. A 4+4 vehicle would have 4 wheels with all 4 being drive wheels.

How many wheels do a wagon have?

A wagon has 4 wheels.

What actors and actresses appeared in How Taz Got His Wheels - 2012?

The cast of How Taz Got His Wheels - 2012 includes: Donna Quadrel

What has wheels and flies but is not a areoplane?

a car with abluebottle on the dashboard

What has 600 wheels and flies?

hill billy jenkins

What actors and actresses appeared in What Has Four Wheels and Flies - 1986?

The cast of What Has Four Wheels and Flies - 1986 includes: Warren Berlinger Pat Morita Alana Powers

What is the difference between a 4x2 and a 4x4 truck?

A 4x2 vehicle has 4 wheels with the 2 rear wheels that drive. A 4x4 vehicle has 4 wheels with all 4 wheels that drive.