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he is risking his life and physical well-being.

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Q: What is doodle sacrificing for his brother?
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Is doodle's brother guilty of murder in The Scarlet Ibis?

Doodle' Brother was ashamed of Doodle through out the entire book so when Doodle couldn't finish the goal that his brother set for him his Brother was so ashamed that like a child ran away from Doodle. He did not intend to kill Doodle though

Why is brother cruel to doodle in 'The Scarlet Ibis?

In "The Scarlet Ibis," the brother is cruel to Doodle because he is embarrassed by his disabled younger brother. He feels ashamed of Doodle's limitations and pushes him to be something he is not, ultimately leading to tragic consequences. The brother's cruelty stems from his inability to accept Doodle as he is.

What is Doodles brother name in The Scarlet Ibis?

Doodle's brother's name is never mentioned. When Doodle addresses him, he simply calls him "Brother."

What did the brother's expectations of Doodle symbolize in The Scarlet Ibis?

the brother tried to change doodle cause he wanted him to be normal

Why is Doodle in 'The Scarlet Ibis' trying to be normal?

Doodle is trying to be normal because his brother, the narrator, wants him to act like a regular child and meet societal expectations of physical and mental abilities. The narrator's desire for Doodle to be normal stems from his own embarrassment and desire for a typical sibling relationship.

How should brother have treated doodle in The Scarlet Ibis?

Brother should have treated Doodle with more kindness, patience, and understanding. He should have accepted Doodle for who he was and supported him rather than pushing him beyond his limits, leading to the tragic outcome in the story.

Why does the narrator feel burdened by Doodle in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

Brother forces Doodle to touch the small coffin that his father had made right after Doodle was born when he was not expected to live. Doodle did live and the coffin was stored away in a loft. Brother took Doodle to the loft and made him touch it as if to impress upon Doodle that he was near death and probably still is.

What are some actions of Brother that show that he has too much pride in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

When Doodle is born, Brother is disappointed that Doodle has physical handicaps and he worries the he may have mental ones as well. His wounded pride in having such a brother compels him to think about smothering Doodle with a pillow. Related to that, when Doodle smiles at Brother, Brother realizes Doodle is not mentally handicapped after all. Now that some of Brother's embarrassment has been assuaged, he decides not to smother Doodle. Brothers decision not to act is still an action. Brother begins teaching Doodle how to stand up and be normal like everyone else. He does this not out of altruistic reasons, but out of selfish reasons so as not to be embarrassed in front of his friends at school for having a disabled brother. When he shows the family that he has taught Doodle to stand up, the family is happy, but Brother cries, because he realizes he taught Doodle to stand up more to prevent his own embarrassment than to help Doodle. At the end, when Brother finds Doodle dead, he cries now realizing it was his selfish prideful reasons that caused Doodle to over exert himself to death.

Who is the little brother in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

The little brother is Doodle.

How does doodle disappoint his brother in The Scarlet Ibis?

Doodle disappoints his brother in "The Scarlet Ibis" by not being able to walk on his own at a young age like his brother had hoped. This causes his brother to push him too hard in training sessions, leading to tragic consequences.

The main events of the story 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

"The Scarlet Ibis" is a short story by James Hurst that centers around the relationship between two brothers, one of whom is physically disabled. The story explores themes of pride, love, and the consequences of pushing someone beyond their limits. The main events include the arrival of a scarlet ibis, the death of the disabled brother, and the heartbreaking realization of the older brother's role in the tragedy.

Why is the narrator and motivation in teaching Doodle how to walk?

The narrator teaches Doodle to walk out of a mix of compassion for his brother and a desire to overcome his own pride. He wants Doodle to be able to live a normal life and out of guilt for his own selfish desires to have a "normal" brother. The motivation is driven by both love and personal growth.