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They can have a tendency to over eat.

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Q: What is bad about beagles?
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Can beagles eat tomatoes?

It is VERY bad for beagles to eat green tomatoes (it can make them very sick) but even if they eat red ones, you should go to a vet.

What has the author John Beagles written?

John Beagles has written: 'Beagles & Ramsay'

Why are beagles called beagles?

Beagles comes from a french word that means gaped throat and that is why beagles are called beagles.

Do beagles have enemines?

The beagles enemies are &ºrz

What country is the beagle from?

beagles are from Germany.So are rottweilers

How did beagles come to America?

how did beagles arive in america

Are there 3 foot beagles?

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Are some beagles in Ireland?

Yes, you will find beagles in Ireland.

Where did beagles originate from?

Beagles originated from Great Britain.

Did beagles come from France?

No, Beagles come from Great Britain.

When was The Bafut Beagles created?

The Bafut Beagles was created in 1954.

Are beagles always bad?

HAHA! Great question for me. Because I HAVE A BEAGLE. Her name is Holly. 100% beagle. Oh anyways sometimes..... unless you train it. Which my dog is getting better.uh for me beagles r really cool like all dogs