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An eagle's diet is mostly fish. But is it has to, it will eat mice, voles, and other creatures like that if needed.

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Q: What is an Eagle's diet?
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What are bald eagle diet?

bald eagles diet are fish and waterfowl

How do eagles diet differ from antelopes?

Eagles are carnivores but antelopes graze, so they are herbivores.

What is the eagles diet?

Meat. What they eat precisely really depends on the species.

How eagles eat primarily fish?

bald eagles are adapted to a diet of fish.they have super eyesight,and talons specificly designed for grasping slippery prey.

What is the bald eagles appetite?

1.The primary diet for bald eagles is fish. Eagles also take waterfowl, rabbits, squirrels and other small mammals. 2.Most eagles consume animals weighing up to one pound. 3.Eagles have excellent eyesight and can locate prey up to two miles away.

What subgroup are eagles in?

Eagles belong to the subgroup of birds known as raptors, specifically in the family Accipitridae. They are characterized by their strong talons, hooked beaks, keen eyesight, and carnivorous diet.

Does a harpy eagle eat a golden lion tamarin?

Harpy eagles diet includes golden lion tamarins.

What is killing bald eagles?

Bald eagles eat some bugs but those bugs have been infected with pesticides, so when the bald eagles eat those bugs the pesticides end up inside the bald eagle, so the bald eagle dies. Also, eagles eat fish, and there are a lot of fishers that overdo it when they fish and fish too much, which affects the bald eagles diet, and makes them starve to death.

What a eagles diet?

It depends of the species of Eagle. A Bald Eagle is a fishing eagle and a scavenger. A golden Eagle hunts small mammals.

What is the griffins diet?

Meat, as it is a lion-eagle legendary beast.

How has the bald eagles beak evolved?

Bald eagles have a hooked beak because of their diet. They are a bird of prey which means they eat meat. The hook on their beak helps them tear apart the flesh of fish and small mammals.

Are eagles omnivores?

No, an eagle is a carnivore. In fact, it is a tertiary (third degree) carnivore because it can eat other carnivores, like snakes, which are secondary carnivores. Most eagles eat birds, rodents, and small mammals. Vegetable matter does not make up any substantial part of an eagle's diet.