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Pigeon fancier make lofts to house them. In the wild, they build nests on builduing roof tops.

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13y ago

to make a pigeons nest you need to have sticks,wet mud,grass,and any thing you can find to put in or outside of the nest.

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Q: What is a pigeon's home or nest?
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Where are all baby pigeons?

They stay in the nest until they are ready to fly. That's why you never see baby pigeons unless you have a loft.

How long before baby pigeons leave the nest?

Early baby pigeons leave after about a month.

Where do baby pigeons go?

No where. They stay in the nest until they are ready to fly.

Where did a pigeons lives?

In most cases, pigeons in captivity live in racing lofts. Free pigeons live in rocks or man made structures like chapels or building. But also some pigeons prefer to made nest in sand.

What material used for pigeon nest?

Pigeons could use a wide variation of materials for the nest. The basic material are twigs. But nest made with cigarette butt have been seen.

Do falcons live near by water?

Rarely they will nest in cities on tall buildings, and feed on pigeons.

What is the swallow home called?

A nest? A nest? A nest?

Do doves use the same nest for succeeding broods?

No. Doves and pigeons build new nests for each brood.

What do you call pigeons home?

Pen or coop.

What is the real use of carrier pigeons?

A "carrier pigeon" is a homing pigeon (specifically a domesticated Rock Pigeon, Columba livia domestica) that can be used to carry messages. Using pigeons to carry messages is generally called "pigeon post".These birds have an innate homing ability. When released at a distant site, the pigeons will instinctively fly back to their home nest, which might be hundreds of kilometers away.

What were pigeons used for in world war 1 in the trenches?

Pigeons were a communications method that was used often. Many pigeons earned the Dicken Medal, a sort of Medal of Honor for animals that have served above and beyond the call of duty in military actions.

What pairs of animals help each other?

pigeons make each other build nest and keep eggs warm