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Bettie Schuster

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Q: What is a pheasants young called?
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Related questions

What is a pair of pheasants called?

A pair of pheasants is called a brace.

Where do pheasants have their young?

in the wet lands

What is a group of pheasants?

A group of pheasants is called a nest, (a large group), brood (a family) or bouquet.

What is a pheasant's brood called?

There are several suggested: A COVEY used for pheasants on the ground.A NYE of pheasants and a BOUQUET of pheasant are also used in the English language.

What does Chinese pheasants do with other pheasants?

They love other pheasants. If it is a male Chinese pheasant and you have femal normal pheasants tha

What is the name for a flock of partridge?

A brace is two pheasants, or a pair.A brood of pheasants is a family group.A group of pheasants may be known as a flock or a bouquet.A large group of pheasants is a nye or nide.

What is the plural possessive form of pheasant?


What is a group of pheasants called?

A group of peacocks is called a muster, ostentation, or pride.The collective noun for a group of peacocks is an ostentation; which makes sense, since ostentationmeans a show-offy display, and peacocks are known for their plumage.A peacock is a male peafowl, the female being the peahen and their young being either a chick or peachick. The collective noun for a group of peafowl is a party, muster, ostentation or pride. The plural of peafowl is peafowl or peafowls, both are acceptable.

What is a pheasants nest called?

A pheasant's nest is typically referred to as a "form." A form is a simple depression in the ground lined with grass and leaves where the female pheasant lays her eggs. The male pheasant does not participate in nest building or incubation of the eggs.

What is the correct word for 2 pheasants?

That would be a brace of pheasants.

Do pheasants hatch from an egg?

Pheasants are birds and hatch from eggs.

Are Pheasants bigger than peacocks?

No, peacocks are much larger than pheasants. Pheasants are chicken sized.