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Q: What is a penguins average life spam?
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What is penguins lifespan?

The average life span is 15-20 years.

How long is a penguins life span?

Its an average of 20-25 years.

What is a emperor penguins average life span?

15-20 years

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lol life spam. the life (span) is about 11 years old

What are penguins average life span?

Penguins can live up to 20 years in the wild, although some species have been known to live into their 30s in captivity. Factors such as habitat conditions, food availability, and predation can greatly impact their life span.

What is the galapagos penguins life span?

Galapagos penguins have an average lifespan of about 15 to 20 years in the wild, although some individuals have been known to live into their mid-30s in captivity.

What is a average life spam for a dingo in a zoo?

Dingo (canis lupus dingo) has a life span of 10 years in the wild and about 13 years in captivity.

What is the average lifespan of Galopagos penguins?

Galapagos Penguins have a life span of 15-20 years. Predation, starvation, climatic events, and human disturbance are just a few of the effects on Galapagos Penguins that are responsible for such a short life span. Most of these penguins; in which live in the wild, live 17.5 years. Some don't make it to 15 years, and it is rare to hear them living past 20 years. That is the life span of the Galapagos Penguins, I hope it helped you. (:

How long do penguins live?

Penguin life span varies according to the species. Penguins in captivity live longer than those in the wild, as they do not face the same dangers. The average lifespan of penguins tends to be around 20 years, but below are some penguin life span facts:The oldest known wild Adelie penguin reached 20 years of age.The average life expectancy of the Emperor penguin is 19.9 years, which means that some specimens have lived for much longer.Little penguins, the smallest species, average 6-7 years in the wild, but they have been known to live for 20 years.

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