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A hen.

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Q: What is a female poultry called?
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What is a mature female poultry called?


What is the name or a female turkey?

Like most poultry, a female turkey is referred to as a hen.

What is a castrated poultry?

A castrated poultry is called a pullet.

What is a fowls home called?

The Fowl home is called Fowl Manor.

What are facts about turkeys?

Wild turkeys are native to North America. They are the only breed of poultry native to the Western Hemisphere. A male turkey is called a tom or a gobbler, and a female turkey is called a hen.

Is cornish hen poultry?

Yes Any of the domesticated bird species can be called poultry.

What is uncooked poultry called?

I think its called raw

What are three fact about turkeys?

Wild turkeys are native to North America. They are the only breed of poultry native to the Western Hemisphere. A male turkey is called a tom or a gobbler, and a female turkey is called a hen.

10 common terms that can be use in poultry?

Some terminologies used in poultry raising are used to refer to the poultry at different life stages. For example a hen is an adult chicken, a pullet is a young female chicken. A chick is a young male or female under five weeks of age. A booder is a device provides heat.

Young one of chick is called as?

Chicks (poultry under 6 months old) do not produce young ones. Young chickens under one year old are called pullets (female) cockerels (male).

What disease is called poultry AIDS?


What is vent sexing?

It's a method for determining whether a chick (in the poultry sense) is male or female.