An American kestrel is a species of small bird related to the falcons, Latin name Falco sparverius.
Kestrel Thomas's birth name is Kestrel Thomas.
The smallest falcon in the world is the Philippine Falconet (Microhierax erythrogenys) The North American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) is the second smallest falcon.
Toothed Bill
The latin name for the American Kestrel is Falco sparverius so maybe you could slightly alter that, like, just use Verius or just name him Falco. Here's a list of words that could be used as is or slightly altered to make a good name for a Kestrel: Volantes - birds, flying creatures Ignis - fire (the orange on AKs reminds me of fire) Caeruleus - blue Albus - white Caesius - blue-gray Caelum - sky. Natura - Nature Glacialis - icy, frozen, full of ice Musica - music P.S. I also think Fezziwig would make a cool name for any hawk or falcon.
Because they have a backbone, they are vertebrates.
Yes all birds have a backbone
Insects, small birds, mice.
yes its a secondary consumers.
The American Kestrel is sometimes known as the Sparrow Hawk. It is likely the most abundant falcon in North America. In the winter it can migrate south to avoid cold weather and sometimes as far as South America. There are also American Kestrel that live year round in various parts of South America.
While kestrels share some similarities with other relatives of the raptor group, they are in fact members of the Falcon Family (Falconidae), not the Hawk Family (Accipitridae). Their simalarity to the Eurasian Kestrel is the source of the name "Kestrel."
The enemies of the American Kestrel are mainly larger hawks, but humans are especially harmful to them.