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Turtles have lungs to breathe air; they also store in their cloaca, which is located on the posterior of their bodies

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through the holes on beak

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They Breath through there nose.

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Q: What is a birds breathing method?
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When was Method of Breathing created?

Method of Breathing was created in 2002.

What is the breathing method of birds?

Just like humans although they don't need as much oxygen because they're smaller(most birds) The bigger ones breath like us!

What is the breathing method of mammals birds reptiles amphibians fish?

Mammals, birds, reptiles and adult amphibians breathe using lungs. Fish breathe using gills, while juvenile amphibians breathe using gills and spiracles.

What does the Buteyko method do?

The Buteyko method strives to remove the bad habits of over-breathing and to replace them with new habits of slower, shallower breathing, called "reduced breathing."

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What are an birds breathing organs?

Lungs you idiots lungs

What is a spider's breathing method?

It is by air bubbles.

What is the method of breathing of the Reptiles?

gills and lungs

What is a mammal method of breathing?

they breath through their lungs

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they breath out of their eye holes

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Do penguins breathe oxygen on the air or water?

Penguins are birds and like all birds they get oxygen by breathing air.