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An owl's niche is their food, habitat, prey, predators, and abiotic factors in the environment. An owl's food usually depends on what species it is, but most owls eat lemmings, voles, and mice. It's predators are coyotes, foxes, and crows. Crows normally don't eat owls but it could hurt the owls when they are flying in the day. This is a niche, a habitat on the other hand is just an environment where the organism lives. These are the differences between the niche and the habitat.

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11y ago
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11y ago

A ''Niché'' is the purpose of an organism(s).

Here is a food chain example: Millet Seeds -> Mice -> Owl.

The own would essentially be maintaining the population of the mice by eating it.

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11y ago

A barn owls ecological niche isn't the most interesting thing. They hunt most of the day and they eat small things such as mice, shrew and voles. The barn owls top prey is bigger birds and hunters.

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13y ago

its competition for its food

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Owls are predators no animal eats owls . But barn owls do swallow their prey whole.

What counties in Indiana can you find barn owls?

i have seen barn owls in dearborn county

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Yes, barn owls do eat snakes

How are people affecting barn owls?

The people (the stupid masses) stare at barn owls and then the owls fall over and die.

What do barn owls do for us?

Barn owls eat mice, and we don't want mice in our barns.