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Both live together to derive benefit from each other.

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Q: What is Relation between ostrich and antelope?
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Who can run faster the ostrich or pronghorn antelope?

ostrich in my oppinion because their stride are 10 - 16 feet

Are their any African animals that begin with the letter O?

· Oribi (antelope) · Oryx (antelope) · Ostrich

What is the difference between an ostrich and an eagle?

Well one diffrence is that penguins live in antartica and an ostrich lives in africa.

Which animal are the best at running?

The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. Other fast animals would be horses, dogs, antelope, bears.

What is the difference between ostrich and owl?

An owl can fly and a ostrich cannot. An ostrich is much bigger than an owl. And owls are nocturnal and turn their heads around. An ostrich digs up a hole and puts its head under the ground. And that's the difference between an ostrich and a owl.

What are some animals that begin with the letter O?

Animals beginning with the letter O:OcelotOctopusOkapi (antelope)OlingoOlive WarblerOlmOnagerOpossumOrangutanOrcaOrioleOropendolaOryxOspreyOstracodOstrichOtterOvenbirdOwlOx, OxenOxpeckerOysterOystercatchersOzark big-eared batanimals starting with O: * owl * ocelot * ostrich * ox * otterorangutang, ocelot, orca whale, octopus, ogopogo (?)OcelotOctopusOkapi (antelope)olingoOlmOnagerOpossumOrangutanOrcaOrioleOropendolaOropendulaOryxOspreyOstracodOstrichOtterOvenbirdOwlOxOxenOxpeckerOysterOzark big-eared batOtter· Octopus · Opossum· Orangutan· Ostrich· Otter· Owl· OxotterosterichospreyowlopossumoxOxen, Owl, Octopus

Which meat is healthier quails or ostrich?

Between the two, ostrich is definitely the healthier protein choice. Ostrich is one of the lowest fat content meats available.

What is a cross between an owl and an ostrich?

An owlstrich.

what is the relationship between a gazelle and ostrich?


What is the difference between a hummingbird and a ostrich?

its butt

What is the difference between a hummingbird and an ostrich?

its butt

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