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Q: What has one leg but cannot walk has two wings but cannot fly?
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What makes your leg fly when you walk?

The thing that makes you leg fly is Joseph William Jeremier Cuthbert Humping it Hope That Helps :)

Can you fly on a plane with a broken leg?

You cannot pilot a plane with a broken leg, because you have to press the rudder peddals, but yes, you can fly on a plane with a broken leg.

How can you tell if you have broken your leg?

It hurts. You can't bear weight on the leg. You cannot walk - your broken leg will trail behind you. The biggest indicator however, is that you cannot bear weight on leg that is broken. There are a number of other allied symptoms depending on how bad the break is and where it's located - which will probably be obvious to you.

What does it mean when you cannot walk a straight line and are walking and often veer to the right side?

It's what happens when you have a leg amputated.

Is can not one word?

Yes spelt cannot But som lexicons do differentiate between "can not" and "cannot" "Cannot" is unequivocal: it means you do not have a choice; something you cannot do is not something you "can" or "can not" do. It means that you are not able to do that thing. You "can" or "can not" take the dog for a walk, depending on your mood. If you are confined to bed with a broken leg, however, you "cannot" take the dog for a walk, regardless of your mood.

How do you walk with a crippled leg?

You use crutches, have a wheelchair, or get your leg amputated and get a fake leg.

What should be used to transport a bird?

The most effective things to transport birds are their wings...unless they don't fly, in which case, their leg work fairly well to transport them. What exactly do you have in mind with your question?

Why do you get wandering pains in the left leg if you walk for long hours?


How can you tell if your dog has a leg cramp?

They walk funny or their leg is spread out.

What leg do you walk on the most?


Parts of a toucan?

beak, wings , eyes, leg, tail

What is legs bones?

Leg bones are the bones in your leg and they are the things that help you walk.