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Your mother. Other distinctive traits are a large mouth, nagging voice, crooked nose, missing teeth, and offspring that spontaneously asks stupid questions.

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Q: What has blue feathers and webbed feet?
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What bird has blue feathers and webbed feet?

Ducks , geese , and pelicans

What would facts be about geese?

They have feathers They have webbed feet They lay eggs

What special features does a duck have?

webbed feet,oiled waterproof feathers...

What covers a swans body?

beak,eyes,neck,wings,webbed feet.

Does a duck have slimy scales?

No. Ducks have oiled feathers and creased, leathery skin on their webbed feet. They are not scales.

Has two wings and covered with feathers?

Creatures with feathers and webbed feet include ducks, geese and other waterfowl such as the Australian moorhens and swamp hens.

What is a duck's adaptations?

The duck's bill is good for scooping up aquatic vegetation, the duck's webbed feet are good for swimming, and the duck's feathers are waterproof.One of a duck's adaptations is its webbed feet. Their webbed feet help them swim faster.Their feathers are waterproof.The ducks have light- weight skeletons. They also have stiff flexible feathers on the tip of their wings so they can easily push the air back creating thrust. Then they spread out there feather so they can bring them back to the top so they can push down and create thrust with. Think of this movement like rowing a boat.

What names are webbed feet animals?

mostly ducks have webbed feet

What do Galapagos penguins have in common with birds?

They have wings, which they use to swim instead of fly. They have feathers and they lay eggs. They have webbed feet and beaks.

What is one feature that helps a penguin to live in its environment?

the fact that it has a layer of blubber and thermal feathers are some also there are its webbed feet.

Is a flamingo a land animal with feathers?

Yes and no. A flamingo is a large pink, wading bird (not animal) with webbed feet and a bent bill.

Do bats have webbed feet?

Bats have webbed feet!