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North Caroline, Arkansas,

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Q: What four states in the US raise the most turkey?
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What are thefive states that has the most turkey?

Hungry, Turkey, Slovakia, Iran and Austria are the five states that have the most Turkey.

Is it hard to raise a baby wild turkey?

yes it is hard to raise a wild turkey because they require nutrients that arn't found in most food for young fowl.

What state has the most turkey?

United States

What five states prouduce the most turky?


What countries have the most turkey consumption?

United States

What are the four most common meats sold in the US?

chicken steak turkey and ground beef

Do most ranchers in the the southwest raise beef cattle?

If the question's in direct reference to the southwestern United States, the answer to that is yes. Most producers in the southwestern USA raise beef cattle.

In what four countries do most Kurds live?

Most Kurds live in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Each of these countries has a significant Kurdish population, with Turkey having the largest Kurdish population among them.

What are the top 3 states tht produces turkeys?

Minnesota, North Carolina, and Arkansas produce the most turkey in the United States. While Minnesota produces more pounds of turkey overall, North Carolina makes more money off of their turkey production.

Which is the most stronger country in Muslim states now?

Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia,

What state raises the most turkeys?

North Carolina

What country has the highest turkey consumption?

The United States has the highest turkey consumption in the world. Turkey is a traditional dish for Thanksgiving celebrations in the U.S., contributing to its high consumption levels.