

What eats vultures?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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15y ago

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A lion or a big cat would eat a vulture

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=Other vultures!=

What eat vultures?

nothing eats vultures except coyotes and wildcats

What are a vultures predators?

it is a a tertiary consumer. it eats stuff but nothing eats it.

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What do the vultures eat?

its eats raw meat.

Who or what animal eats a vulture?

Indians eat vultures

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vultures, hyenas, wild dog & maybe lions

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vultures they eat any thing dead

Are vultures cannibals?

Yes they are because a cannibal is something that eats it's own kind. Vultures eat other animals. Hope this helped!

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Scavengers like Vultures, Foxes etc.

What eats organisms that are already dead?

Vultures sharks and mainly scavengers for example