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A food chain. Rabbits will eat off the rosebush or other plant, and in turn some rabbits will be eaten by the hawk.

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Q: What does the sequence rosebush - rabbit - hawk represent?
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Would a snow rabbit eat a hawk?

The answer is no. A hawk would probably eat a snow rabbit.

Does a hawk eat rabbits?

yes. keep em away from hawks, and if a hawk swoops on your rabbit wack the hawk with a broomstick, if it keeps coming wack it HARD twilight maniac

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5 would be passed on to the hawk.

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Secondary consumer

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White... Because white is match with snowy's color, right? There. Plus... Sometimes hawk can smell scent that rabbit's... but at hawk's view while hawk flying, hawk will can't see rabbit with white fur on snowy field.

What are 5 producers?

fox hawk rabbit frog snake

How does hawk adopt to hunt rabbit?

i think it hides and then jumps on it .

Does rabbit eat hawk?

no o.O hawks eat rabbits :o

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Fox and hawk. No snakes in the tundra.

What does a hawk represent?

represents agility and safe passage.

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what kind of a question is this!!!what do wolf mouse rabbit deer hawk and snake....................................?there needs to be more information to complete the question for example what do rabbits and deer eat for breakfast ?