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It eats insects by pecking at trees just like any other woodpecker would

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Q: What does the Okinawa Woodpecker eat?
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Does a woodpecker eat a coyote?

No. They only eat insects they seek in trees. That is why it is called a woodpecker.

Can a woodpecker eat a mouse?

No. They eat insects.

An a lion eat a woodpecker yes or no?

yes a lions COULD eat a woodpecker but it wouldn't normally do so because a woodpecker doesn't have nearly enough protein for a lion

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Whatn does a woodpecker eat?

Seeds and insects

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How does the Gila woodpecker eat?

it eats by pecking

Are redhead woodpecker parasite?

NO! the EAT parasites!

Would a woodpecker eat an earthworm?

The woodpecker does not eat fish. Acording to their adaptations, they don't.

What does the red backed woodpecker eat?

idlee with sambar

Is there a season to eat red headed woodpecker?

No, not ever