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Kiwi ingenuity is their ability to use what they have in purposes other than its made reason. It also may mean they have an ability to solve any problem that may arise. The number 8 wire gauze is a perfect example of Kiwi ingenuity..

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What Is Kiwi Ingenuity?

Kiwi Ingenuity is the ability to come up with quick intelligent sometimes unconventional and uncommon solutions to a situation. Like Macgyver for example

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Bob Riley has written: 'Kiwi ingenuity' -- subject(s): History, Inventors, Inventions

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Ingenuity means cleverness, resourcefulness, being able to think up new and clever solutions to things. Human ingenuity is the sum total of the ingenuity of all people.

Can you feed a parakeet kiwi?

well if you mean a kiwi bird then no, however, if you mean kiwi fruit then yes

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it could mean that they are hungry and like kiwi

What is human ingenuity mean?

human ingenuity means different peoples lifestyles and religion and cultures Caleb sunkur aged 12

Can you eat kiwi bird eggs?

If you mean the bird, no. Kiwi skins would have to be obtained from kiwi, and since these are a protected species, that would be quite illegal. If you mean the fruit, yes you can.

What is the English name for the kiwi?

If you mean the fruit and the bird both called kiwi, then it's the same in English. We still call them kiwi.

Is ingenuity an adverb?

No, ingenuity is a noun.

A sentence with the word ingenuity in it?

a designer of great ingenuity

What is the mother of ingenuity?

Ingenuity means the capability to work out or decode hard situation. With this, it was concluded that poverty is the mother of ingenuity.