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it actually mean that duck eggs has a bad scent

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Q: What does it mean if flies are around duck eggs does it mean that they are dead?
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Do flies eat little boys?

Only once they are dead, then the flies lay their eggs on the little boys' dead bodies. The maggots which hatch from the eggs are the things that actually eat the dead flesh.

Where do flies hatch their eggs?

The flies hatch their eggs usually in dead and decaying organic material, such as garbage or faeces to feed.

What do you do if the duck egg is broken but still yoke after 28 days?

duck eggs can take up to 35 days till hatching. but if you have already open the egg yourself then the duck is dead

Do flies come from maggots?

yes they do. Flies Lay eggs in dead things like mice,rats birds, anything that was alive once. the eggs hatch and eat the dead flesh as they get bigger you can see them. over time they become ( yes you guessed it) flies.

How do maggots get into a dead body where there are no flies?

If there are no flies then there will be no maggots. No flies, no eggs, no maggots.

Can you touch duck eggs?

It's generally best to avoid touching duck eggs, as the oils and bacteria on your hands can potentially harm the developing embryos. It's important to practice caution and gentle handling if necessary.

Where do the duck eggs come out?

Duck eggs are laid through the cloaca, which is the common opening for the digestive, reproductive, and urinary tracts in birds. When a duck is ready to lay an egg, it will pass through the vent, located underneath its tail feathers.

Does duck take care of the eggs?

Yes, ducks are known to be good mothers and will often sit on their eggs to keep them warm and safe until they hatch. They will also protect their young ducklings and teach them how to find food and stay safe.

What is the difference between snake eggs and duck eggs?

Welll... a female duck only lays 3-8 eggs in its lifetime, but a snake can eggs whenevr it wants

Can maggots form in a dead horse?

No. However, flies may lay their eggs in the flesh of a dead horse, and these become maggots which feed on the rotting flesh until they hatch into flies.

Will you have maggots from dead mice?

no. but they appear when flies lay their eggs on foods. maggots turn into flys when they mature

Your duck has not laid eggs for 5 months?

get a new duck.....