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Lady Birds eat aphids, which in turn eat plants. For this reason, Organic farmers use them as a form of pest control, as the aphids eat their crops and the Lady Birds keep the population under control.

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Q: What does Lady Bird eat?
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Related questions

Which bird eats lady birds?

Many birds eat insects but I'm not sure if any eat lady bugs.

What does a lady-bird eat?

Ladybirds, or lady bugs, eat aphids. They are true bugs. ( The lady Bug, of course), meaning they are a type of beetle. They eat the same way all other beetle eat, by using their various mouth parts to stuff their prey into its jaws and then swallow.

What is the difference between the yellow lady bird and the red lady bird?

One is red and the other is yellow :) There are 5,000 species of Lady Bug worldwide. Almost all of them are good to have in the garden as they eat pests.

What does a lady bird eat?

Leaves. They like leaves a lot and that what keeps them going

What nicknames did Lady Bird Johnson go by?

Lady Bird Johnson went by Lady Bird.

Are ants and lady bird's carnivore's?

Yes, ants are and so are lady bugs because they eat aphids that are small bugs on plants

How tall is Lady Bird Johnson?

Lady Bird Johnson is 5' 6".

What plants do lady birds eat?

Many different kinds of plants depending on what bird it is.

In which state was former first lady Lady bird Johnson born?

Lady Bird Johnson was born in Texas.

Do lady beatles eat leaves?

No, lady beatles only eat aphids and other small insects. Lady bird beatles (also known as lady beatles also known as ladybugs) are actually purposely placed by enviromentally concious farmers to protect their crops. They can be purchased at most gardening stores.

Is lady bird Johnson alive?

Lady Bird Johnson is no longer alive she died in 2007

When was Lady Bird Johnson born?

Lady Bird Johnson was born on December 22, 1912.