

Best Answer

Paper is by far the easiest. Sand is a nightmare to clean out on a regular basis. I bought my last cage from Everything Birds and they sold me cage liners that fit my specific cage. I think their store is at All the best! JOHN

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Q: What do you in bottom of wire bird cage paper or sand?
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What is the purpose of putting sand in the bottom of your bird cage?

To keep the claws of the birds filed down

For a Pet Cockatiel should you use bird sand and if so how is it used?

Bird sand or some type of bird grit is a must for cockatiels, as they need it to help them digest their food. All you need to do is sprinkle a small handful on the bottom of their cage whenever you change the paper (at least once a week). An alternative is to get some sand and grit, mix it in a feeding bowl, and keep it on the side of the cage, near their normal seed bowl.

What to put on bottom of cockateil cage?

If there is a separate bottom in the cage under the bottom grate, there is always newspaper. If it doesn't have the bottom grate, there is a product made from ground up corn cobs. another product is compressed pellets of sawdust. this is more for rodents. A new product is thin strips of paper but I find this messy. The corn cobs are probably the best and if they eat it, it is no big deal.

Is it normal for a female budgie to eat the sandpaper at the bottom of her cage?

Most seed eating birds require grit of some form in their diet. It is used in their gizzard to grind against the seeds to break them down. If no other grit is available to your bird she is using the sand from the sand paper for the same purpose. Female birds alo need a source of Calcium in order to make shells for their eggs. Cuttlefish bone is commonly hung up in the cage for this purpose.

Is it a good idea to put sand in the bottom of my gerbil's cage and then fill it up with shavings because I know that gerbils are desert rodents and they would like sand.?

i suggest to use chinchila sand and put it in a box or a plastic bowl note: dont keep the bowl in the cage for too long

Should I put sand in the bottom of my gerbil's cage and then put shavings on top of it?

If you have enough sand you should just put sand in the bottom. It is like a bath for them and keeps them clean.

What is sandpaper ministry?

sand paper is paper but instead of trees they use sand from the beach. sand paper is made out of sand and paper. BYE~*~*~

Is it bad to have sand in your green iguana cage?

You should NOT have sand it it's cage. When the reptile eats it will get sand in it's mouth and maybe even kill it.

What do you put on the bottom of a hermit crab cage?

Sand or rocks are best.But, many crabs like coconut fiber. you can find it at most pet stores.

Is sand paper smooth?

No, sand paper is rough.

Can you put reptile sand at the bottom of a garter snakes cage?

You could probably use sand but you would have to have a hard surfaced area somewhere in the tank to put food on. If you put the food on the sand the sand will get on the food and in the snakes mouth. So put the food on the hard surfaced area.

Is a paper a sand paper?
