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For many types of finches it will take 2-3 weeks for eggs to hatch once the parents start incubating them. If the elapsed time has been longer than this, and they still have not hatched they are probably infertile. In this case, you can just remove the eggs from the nest and toss them. There is no need to keep the eggs as the female will lay more.

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Q: What do you do with unhatched Finch eggs?
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What do you do with the other eggs when you put chicks and mum into another coop?

You can wait a day or two to see if the unhatched eggs actually hatch or you can transfer the unhatched eggs along with momma hen and chicks.

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Are finch eggs white?

some are. There are soooooooo many types of finch, some of their eggs are blue, some are white with brown spots.

If my Finch would be a girl and would lay eggs could the male if there is a male in the cage stay in the cage with the Mother Finch and eggs?


Your hen hatched 3 eggs on Tuesday but there is still 2 eggs left unhatched she is still sat on them should you leave them?

yes it might of been at a later time :-)

Do unhatched goose eggs have a light natural bad odor or do they only smell when they are dead?

Yes it will have a bad Odor when about to hatch

Should you remove cowbird egg from finch nest?

Yes, it is recommended to remove cowbird eggs from a finch nest because cowbirds are brood parasites and their eggs will often outcompete the finch eggs for resources, potentially harming the finch babies.

How many eggs could a society finch lay?

they can lay 4 to 6 eggs

What is the incubation time for finch eggs?

The incubation period for finch eggs is typically around 12-14 days, though this can vary slightly depending on the specific species of finch. During this time, the parent birds will take turns sitting on the eggs to keep them warm until they hatch.