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Never pluck a birds feathers. I dont know what you are thinking. To a bird plucking feathers if almost as painful as if someone were to pull out your hair! Bad idea


Ok, so what can I do if my bird's wings aren't growing back fully?

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14y ago

Feathers don't repair themselves when cut. They just fall out eventually (like all feathers) and are replaced by new ones. It may take some time for your budgie's wing feathers to grow back (you don't say how long it's taking), depending on the season and the bird's nutrition. If you think your bird may not be getting proper nourishment, talk to your vet about bird food. Pellet diets are often more nutritionally complete than seed mixes.

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Q: What do you do if your budgies wings arent growing back fully after they are clipped Do you pluck the unreplaced feathers out if so will it hurt the bird?
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