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Well at most pet stores there's bags of bird food... that's probably a good idea... but you can also feed them dried fruit, seeds, nuts.

Plus, they love fresh broccoli, corn on the cob, carrots with the green tops on them, the seeds left on the bell pepper you just chopped up (ya know the heart of the bell pepper) Whole wheat toast, oats and groats, any kind of green leafy fresh vegetables.

I named one of my parakeets, "Carrot Face" as she loves fresh carrots. and devours them to the point of having a orange face around her beak. (she is white with gray highlights)

They love veggies.... good luck!

Birds actually eat seeds.

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13y ago

Bird feed. Somtimes if you have a " cooky " one it'll eat lettuce... I had one who only ate lettuce when I was a kid and it didn't have enough protein so it died.... :( poor kiwi

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