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They eat insects.

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Q: What do house bats eat?
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Do cat eat bat?

cats eat bats not house cat but wild street cats eat bats.

What kind of foods bats eat?

some bats eat fruit or blood vampire bats eat blood and some bats eat bugs it really matters of what kind of bats eat

What do bats gennrally eat?

Bats eat insects.

What do Painted Bats eat?

They eat other bats

Do bats eat leaves?

No. They eat insects. Millions of them each night are eaten by bats. __ Not all bats eat insects. There are fruit eating bats and these bats do indeed eat leaves on occasion as well.

Do bats eat fruits nuts berries and seeds?

no bats do not eat honey

Do bats eat fruit?

Some bats do eat fruit, and there are varieties of bats that are known as fruit bats.

How do bats eat penguins?

The bats don't actually eat the penguins but they do feed on their blood. There is video of this occurring in Peru and, of course the bats are Vampire bats.

Can king cobras eat bats?

No, bats eat king cobras

What do bats eat in minecraft?

Bats do not eat anything, currently.

Are vampire bats and bats the same?

No they are not, because vampire bats eat blood and nothing else, and normal bats eat insects-they can eat up to 3000 a day!

Do bats eat garbage?

Bats mostly eat insects, except fruit bats that eat fruit and vampire bats that eat blood.