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All flying foxes eat fruit.

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they eat bugs

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Q: What do grey-headed flying foxes eat?
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Do flying foxes eat mangoes papayas and bananas?

Certain fruit bats do eat figs such as flying foxes.

What kind of animals eat squirrels?

Animals that eat squirrels include birds of prey such as hawks and owls, as well as mammalian predators like snakes, foxes, and weasels. Additionally, domestic pets like cats and dogs also occasionally prey on squirrels.

How is a mongo seed dispersed?

Flying foxes and animals that eat the seed are responsible for dispersal of mongo seeds. flying foxes will feed, then take a fruit with them to eat elsewhere, then drop the seed, sometimes it grows into a new tree. Flying foxes and animals that eat the seed are responsible for dispersal of mongo seeds. Mongo or mango seeds?

Do foxes eat eagles?

Yes the Golden Eagle eats foxes.. it kills it with its sharp talons.. flying down on to it.

Flying fishes are fishes but flying foxes are not fly?

Flying foxes are bats that have a head that looks like a fox.

Do flying fox bats eat rabbits?

Actually, no.Flying foxes are fruit-oriented bats, and because of this, they use sight and smell to locate food rather than echolocation like their smaller relatives.From "how stuff works":" Flying foxes belong to the family known as fruit bats. They sometimes eat nectar and pollen but, usually, flying foxes eat juice that they squeeze out of fruit. When a flying fox smells ripe fruit, it swoops down and bites into it. It then chews the fruit to a pulp and presses the pulp up against the roof of its mouth, squeezing out the juice. It swallows the juice, but spits out the fruit's pulp, skin, and seeds. Flying foxes eat mainly such fruits as wild figs, which are not grown in orchards. But they also eat such fruits as mangoes, bananas, and papayas, and they will sometimes do a great deal of damage to orchards in which these fruits are being grown. As a result, flying foxes are considered by farmers to be pests. Compared with fruit diseases and insect pests, however, flying foxes cause very little damage to orchards."

What is A group of flying foxes called?

As a type of bat, the standard collective nouns for bats can be used:a colony of flying foxesa cloud of flying foxes

Do foxes fly?

Foxes do not fly but there is a group of large bats called flying foxes.

Where do flying foxes hibernate?

Flying foxes live in the tropics of Asia, Africa, and certain islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. These areas are warm year round. As a result, hibernation is not necessary for flying foxes.

Do foxes eat chickens?

Foxes do eat chickens, given the chance.Yes

Do rabbits eat foxes?

yes!foxes do eat rabbits

What is the plural form of flying fox?

The plural form of flying fox is flying foxes.